Saturday, January 12, 2013

Harold Simmons Calls Obama a ‘Socialist’

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Meanwhile, Simmons is set to open a monopolistic radioactive waste dump.

Harold Simmons in today’s Wall Street Journal:
“Any of these Republicans would make a better president than that socialist, Obama,” said Mr. Simmons during two days of rare interviews at his Dallas home and office. “Obama is the most dangerous American alive…because he would eliminate free enterprise in this country.”
In other news: Today, a state commission gave permission to Waste Control Specialists, a Texas company owned by Simmons, to import and bury radioactive waste from 36 states.
  • The state of Texas will own the waste and be responsible for managing it for the next few millennia. 
  • A team of state engineers and geologists have warned that the dump is likely to leak into nearby water tables.
  • Waste Control stands to pull in billions in revenue.
  • The primary financial assurance for the dump is stock in one of Simmons’ own companies. The Texas Legislature privatized radioactive waste disposal in Texas for Simmons after he pumped millions into state elections and hired an army of lobbyists.
  • Waste Control faces no real competition in its bid to become the nation’s one-stop radioactive waste dump.
  • The construction of the dump was financed, in part, by the people of Andrews County.
In short, by plying polticians with dollars Simmons engineered himself a monopoly business that privatizes profits and socializes the risk.

You tell me, is this “free enterprise” or corporate socialism?

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